Join Us!

1st December 2019 by George

What is Scouting?

The Scout Association is the largest co-educational youth movement in the UK, Scouting provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for 400,000 young people.

Scouting gives young people the opportunity to learn by doing, as part of a balanced programme. Our programme is a continuous progression of training, activities and awards that covers everything young people do in Scouting from the age of 6 to 25.

Who Can Be a Scout?
Scouting is open to all young people, of any gender, any faith or background aged between 4 and 25. You can also join The Scout Association as an adult volunteer if you are 18 or over.

Where are we based
Our Scout HQ is in Craven Road, Addisombe

What day do you meet?
It depends! We have five sections and they meet on different days of the week.

Open to all faiths and none

28th Croydon Scout Group are sponsored by Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church. We are one of the largest Catholic Groups in the country. We are an open group and open to all faiths and none.

How Do I Join?
Aged 4 to 14 – Simply complete our join us form and a member of our leadership team will be in contact with you within the next few days.

Explorers – aged 14 to 18 year old can join via Croydon District.

Waiting Lists

Many sections are operating at or close to full capacity. This means unfortunately it isn’t always possible for every young person to join a group straight away.

You may need to join a waiting list before your child can start at Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, or Scouts.

Why can’t more people join?
We’re trying to open up more sections to give even more young people the opportunities to get involved.

But our biggest challenge is finding enough adult volunteers to help. You can speed up our waiting lists by offering to volunteer with 28th Croydon Scouts.

For more information contact