Expedition in historic Rye

3rd April 2023 by Claire Shadbolt

The weekend of 1-2 April 2023 saw eight keen Scouts and two leaders heading for Rye for hiking and camping for the Scouts Expedition Challenge Award.

First stop – Pett Emergency Coast Defense Battery then off they went, in two separate patrols along the Royal Military Canal towards Camber Castle and Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. The morale was good, they worked well together and their navigation was pretty good. Even in dealing with obstacles such as an incredibly muddy field full of cows – and deciding to make a detour away from that!

An overnight camp at Guestwell Scout Campsite where they cooked a good meal of stirfry followed by cake and custard on meth burners. We even had time for a fun game of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, before sleeping the night in their tents.

The next morning after breakfast and a lot of washing up, the Scouts set off again. This time through Guestling Woods, and less common paths that made navigation a bit more tricky. Their navigation was still good. Some of the path was familiar as they saw it the day before, then past the second Martello tower and onto the last stop – Ypres tower. They had a good explore in the tower, seeing the old jail – none of us fancied a night in there, seeing a large map of the area they walked – and which bits would have been under the sea 1000 years ago, plus a look at the view from the top.

One last stop – by popular request of our tired expeditioners – the sweet shop.

I am looking forward to receiving their reports and awarding them their expedition challenge awards.

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud at Pedal Car Olympics Jan 2023

17th January 2023 by Claire Shadbolt

Embrace the mud – our motto for the weekend. And mud was everywhere.

For a winter camp, it was not that cold. But we did have a Saturday morning of rain. Just to make more mud.

We arrive Friday 13 January and straight off to the canteen for dinner. The catering crew were fantastic all weekend making sure we fed with warm, and tasty food. After dinner we pitch our tents and snuggled down for the night.

Saturday started and each of our three teams started their races. Ten races across the two days. Whilst they were not racing they were climbing, tomahawking, archery, rifle shooting, cave bus, zip lining and a favourite – cresta run.

Saturday evening and the Scouts played on giant inflatables and everyone of them enjoyed the silent disco – whilst the leaders were next door playing guess that song, as the music might have been silent, but the singing along was anything but silent.

Sunday came all too quickly. As the races continued, we also struck camp and got ready for the finals. One Scout did make it through to the final – and we made sure to cheer him to second place.

There were 120 teams. 38 of them were Explorers (or similar “seniors”) and the remainder were Scouts (or similar “juniors”). Our Explorer team won a race, one explorer achieved gold in another, and second explorer achieved bronze in another. Congratulations and well done team Pedally McPedal Face.

Scouts have fun at Pedal Car Olympics 2020

22nd January 2020 by Claire Shadbolt

After months of planning for a cold winter camp, we turned up to Thiftwood to a very mild weekend. No one got cold all weekend!

When we arrived on Friday 10 January, we went straight off to the canteen for dinner. We were well fed by the catering crew, then pitched our snug and warm tents.

On the Saturday we started our pedal car Olympics – ten different races that our teams entered. Each one was about 30 minutes long. The planning was fantastic as we moved from block to block.

We also had plenty of free time to do tomahawks, climbing, archery, zip wire, cresta run and others.

Sunday we continued the activities, plus took down our camp. We arrived to the presentations and was very pleased when one of our Scouts won bronze in two of the races.

We will be back next year with more Scouts. It was so much fun and not at all cold – although we had just been lucky with that. We will still be prepared to ensure everyone stays warm, regardless of the temperature.


7th February 2019 by Claire Shadbolt

Want to have a go at Archery?

Fancy improving your skills ahead of the District Archery and Shooting competition?

Want to work towards your Master at Arms badge by attending regular training sessions for at least six sessions? Or perhaps just drop in for one or two sessions.

We will be doing archery on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 at 1st Purley HQ, Purley Park Road, CR8 2BW. £3 per session.

Book your sessions now as they are going to be popular. Limited to 12 Scouts per session.

Saturday 2 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 9 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 16 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 23 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 6 April 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 13 April 9:30 – 10:30

To book and pay for your place. You can book anywhere between one and all sessions.

Fancy improving your skills ahead of the District Archery and Shooting competition?

Want to work towards your Master at Arms badge by attending regular training sessions for at least six sessions?

Archery Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 at 1st Purley, Purley Park Road, CR8 2BW. £3 per session.

Book your sessions now as they are going to be popular. Limited to 12 Scouts per session.

Saturday 2 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 9 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 16 March 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 23 March 9:30 – 10:30 

Saturday 6 April 9:30 – 10:30

Saturday 13 April 9:30 – 10:30

To book and pay for your place. You can book anywhere between one and all sessions.

Scouts at Scarefest 2018

29th October 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

16 Scouts from both troops went to Scarefest at Gilwell Park for the last weekend of October.  It was a bitterly cold weekend, but we wrapped up warm and enjoyed ourselves.  There was lots to do.  During the day they went on activities such as climbing, tomahawks, bumper cars and the Cage.  In the evening they went in mazes.  The highlight for most Scouts was the fireworks and laser show.

Do we do it again next year?

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District Cooking Competition

8th October 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

Scafell Troop cook up a storm!

Congratulations to the two teams who entered the District Cooking Competition on Saturday 6 October.

Team North America cooked a vegetable chowder, shredded salmon in a tomato sauce on a bed of rice, and a lime cheesecake.

They narrowing missed nailing the chowder.  Just needed to check the seasoning.  Unfortunately the cheesecake didn’t set in time.  But the judges praised the flavour.

Team Asia cooked Thai sweet potato soup, Stir fry with tofu and egg noodles, and crepes with exotic fruits.

Each of the dishes were of very good standard.

Team North America came fourth and Team Asia came second.  Plus Team Asia were so close to winning best fancy dress as well.  Congratulations to 6th Croydon with their Mexican team who won the competition.

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Scout summer camp 2018

6th August 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

The camp with Mr Swan, the Gandalf of the swan world.

Scouts from Snowdon and Scafell camped together at our 2018 summer camp.

On Saturday we drove up (took around five hours). We arrived with a nasty wind. It was a big challenge to get our event tent up. We had Scouts and adults weighing it down to prevent it taking off and other leaders storm lashing it as we went. We got it up with no incidents, just a dent in the time plan and our adrenaline.

Icelandics (patrol tents) were also a challenge to put up. Four scouts could not hold it against the wind. But with a bit of perseverance, up they went. It started raining just as we were finishing, but we kept our kit dry.  After the resent scorching weather the rain was welcome.  By the time we had pitched and unpacked it was dinner time. We had a wide game. Then cocoa, cake and bed.

Sunday we had a day of kayaking on the Derwent. That was good fun. Most Scouts did a capsize drill. The beauty of camp is that we have time to spend encouraging the Scouts to try new things and to develop their skills – we needed this time to persuade some of the Scouts to tip themselves in!  The canoe slide was also proved a big hit for some of the Scouts. It was also a chance if a shower – for some the only shower if the week. They did have lots of opportunity to use the showers on our camp site, they just chose not to use them.

Monday we did a hike to Mam Tor and Cave Vale. It was a bit of a late start.  There was no real reason for it, just getting into the swing of doing all the tasks needed to successfully and comfortably camp.  The hike went well, slightly slower than planned.  The views at the top were amazing.  And we managed to get one leader to his train on time as he was back to work the next day (so now there were three leaders). But we were eating our fish and chips a bit later than predicted.

Tuesday was our big ticket day. We went ghyll scrambling from Snake Road towards Kinder Scout with Lost Earth Adventures. The scouts loved it. There were lots of smiles. Whilst waiting for others to climb a waterfall at the base of Kinder Scout, in order to make sure the Scouts did not get cold, Claire was leading a rendition of “Hamburger, cheese burger, lettuce and tomato” camp fire song, with all the actions, minus the half jump. The bizarre things you do as a leader.

Tuesday evening we had a patrol cooking competition. They got to plan their meal, buy the food and cook it on a double gas burner in specially constructed field kitchens. We must allow space for more of this in the future. The Scouts got so much out of this. Not only learning how to feed themselves in conditions more challenging than your average kitchen, but they were also having a lot of fun with it. For at least one scout this was the highlight of the week. Both patrols produced some interesting food.

Wednesday we stayed on site and did pioneering. One scout said it was his favourite thing of the week. We built a tower using ropes and poles and hauled it up using a pulley.

On Thursday we went kayaking on the river Trent. All the Scouts improved their paddling technique with the majority actually understanding what they were doing. We also had the incident that will be regaled in stories for a long time – Swangate.

We had passed many, many swans on the river. Some were getting huffy and we made sure we gave them a wide berth. Those swans were happy with that. But Mr Swan was the Gandalf of the swan world, “Thou shall not pass”. Tony was the first to encounter him as he came round a bend. He and the scout that was near to him had to paddle back up stream to get out of the way and we all huddled in an eddy working out a plan. Mr Swan would sit in the middle of the river with his wings half up and giving us the evil eye, then he would glide over into the big reed bed at one side of the river, as Mrs Swan and two cygnets appeared from behind the bend on the other side of the river and glided over to her mate, Mr Swan crossed the river again, glaring and being assertive. This happened a number of times – we just had a pattern of criss-crossing of swans.  Tony waited for an opportune moment then paddled through, but Mr Swan was not happy. He chased him down the river, including taking off from the water, which always looks and sounds dramatic, heading straight for Tony.  However once he got past the territory, Mr Swan was happy for Tony to wait there so long as he did not venture in again.  But Tony’s card was marked. He was now most hated human.  The rest of us (eight scouts, Graham and Claire) were stuck. We had a few attempts at passing but were seen off.  We could not get out the river where we were, it was a long way for the Scouts to paddle against the flow to safely egress from the river, we had to go forward, but…Thou shall not pass!  Eventually we decided to attempt two at a time. We waited until all swans were out of sight and Claire paddled forward with one scout. Mr Swan was not best pleased and kept a close eye on them, all Claire could hear was “Just keep paddling!” and they got through.  Now Graham had to do the planning on his own.  We could shout but we did not wish to disturb the Swan family any further and the two at a time plan was abandoned.  In the end Graham led a quick attempt to keep the bank and paddle down swiftly.  The scouts were a bit like rubber ducks in a bath bumping into each other and Mr Swan didn’t know what to do as the Scouts passed his territory.  But we did get passed and Mr Swan’s family were all safe, much to Mr Swan’s relief.  It did mean a late end to another day.

Then Friday was all about packing up and going home. We were on the road within 40 minutes of the time we aimed for. But the drive back took 6:30 hours in the blazing heat.

We ate well. We had curry, pork chops with ratatouille, fish and chips, patrol cooking (mainly pasta), risotto and stir fry. We were also overwhelmed with cakes. It is a lovely problem to work out how to eat them all.

The Scouts were a pleasure to take away. They enjoyed the activities, the camping and the friendships. They also learnt loads. We are already looking forward to the next camp.


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Scouts and Cardboard Canoes July 2018

7th July 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

Scafell troop entered three canoes into Croydon District (Scouts) Cardboard Canoe competition.

Our designs may not have been as brilliant as some of the other troops.  But they are the Scouts designs.  Plus we did manage to clash one of our build days with an England World Cup match.

The Scouts had fun designing, building and trying out their canoes.  #skillsforlife

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Scouts sticking up for mental health campaign

19th April 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

Empowering young people to make a positive contribution to society has been an important part of Scouting since Scouting began.  28th Croydon Scafell troop are getting involved.

The Scouts and the local community at Our Lady of Annunciation Catholic Church signed a petition addressed to Sarah Jones MP.  It is a petition with a difference.

The campaign aims for mental and physical health to be viewed as equal priorities in the local community. The Scouts have spent time creating plasters to highlight that, while we know what to do when someone is physically hurt, things aren’t as straightforward when someone has a mental health problem. Two thirds of people with common mental health problems don’t get any help at all. It is much easier to get help for a physical health problem.

28th Croydon Scouts are taking part in the A Million Hands movement, a Scout community impact project that aims to mobilise half a million Scouts by 2018 in support of four social issues chosen by young people. As part of the A Million Hands movement, and together with Mind, SAMH and Inspire, 28th Croydon Scouts are taking part in the Sticking up for mental health campaign.

Mental health problems are common – one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. Just like we all have physical health, we all have mental health too, and just as our bodies can become unwell, so can our minds. Like physical illness, mental illness can happen to anyone, at any time, and a mental health problem can feel just as bad, or worse, as any other physical illness – only you cannot see it.


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MP letter March 2018

Scafell expedition March 2018

30th March 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

‘Twas the weekend before Easter when seven intrepid scouts headed out for the Surrey Hills on their expedition.

Two patrols walked some of the North Downs Way and surrounding villages to reach Bentley Copse, where we camped overnight.

Both patrols thought they understood navigation.  They understood how OS maps and compasses worked.  But one patrol found they don’t help that much if you are just walking along, singing a song, and scorfing Skittles.   Both groups went off course, and eventually they worked out where they were.  They got to the checkpoint, and later to the campsite a bit behind their predicted time.

They cooked their evening meal and breakfast over triangias – meth burners.  Perhaps their evening meal could have done with a little more thought to make it a feast, rather than something to fill their bellies.  Anyone fancy egg noddles, hot dogs and chicken cup-a-soup that has been on the boil for 30 minutes?  There was flapjacks and hot chocolate as well.  For breakfast they had porridge with Cadburys Flake and/or golden syrup followed by bacon and sausages.   They did go to sleep and start in the morning having had enough to eat.

It did feel like a constant found of washing up.  They were quite good at team work and making sure that everyone pulled their weight.

Over night they slept in small hike tents in twos and a one.  The weather was kind, with very little rain and dropping to around 2ºC.  That was very mild compared to the week before when it was snowing!  The Scouts slept well with most falling asleep around 10:00 and the last talking quietly until 11:30.  Just as well it was an early night as the clocks went forward and we lost an hour’s sleep.

Day two and they left the campsite only an hour late.  That washing up seems to grow!  One patrol stayed almost exactly on route and made good time through out the day.  We did wonder why the second patrol was going at 0mph, until they let slip they had found a playground.  Their navigation was much improved overnight and they more or less stayed on route – well the route they chose which went past the playground.

Both patrols finished the hike in reasonable time.  The journey home in the minibus was very quiet.  Most of them caught up on a bit more sleep.

Special congratulations to Hemlock patrol who hiked both days, more or less on route, correcting their own mistakes and not needing any additional help.  Foxglove patrol also did well, although they need need a lift (or three) to get them back onto into the time schedule.  This is still an achievement.

We are looking forward on their reports and looking forward to news on their task – “To compare different environments and see what plants are in them.”

Many thanks to Claire, Bobby, Anneka and Ben for supporting the event.

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Scafell works with Addiscombe Railway Park January 2018

23rd January 2018 by Claire Shadbolt

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Since November we have been working with the friends of Addiscombe Railway park to continue their good work of clearing up what is not needed. It has come to the attention of the, 28th Croydon that the park has needed some more help in clearing out the unwanted litter, weeds and abandoned clutter. The state of the park has come to the attention of our scout troop and we believe something needs to be done.

The condition of the park was absolutely horrendous to say the least. Not only was the park treated as a landfill site which is extremely harmful to the environment, 90% of the litter could have been easily recycled or reused. As a consequence, treatment of public property has left many animals consuming this rubbish and sadly dying.

The time we spent at Addiscome Railway park was very beneficial to us, the environment and the community alike. Our time there was spent by planting trees, cutting back brambles and weeding crops. We also checked the frog spawn and newts.

If you would like to:

CONNECT with your neighbours

BE ACTIVE in the fresh air

TAKE NOTICE of the new flowers & trees

LEARN a couple of gardening & wildlife friendly tips

GIVE an hour or two of your time to help us

Please visit Friends of Addiscome Railway Park and join us every 2nd Sunday of the month to maintain this lovely green space.

International chefs at the District Cooking Competition 2017

22nd October 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

Three Scouts from Scafell troop and two Scouts from Snowdon troop entered the District Cooking Competition.

There were some very tasty dishes including Italian Chicken Satay, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Spaghetti alla Carbonara, Eton Mess and Budino Di Cioccolato.

Out of 13 teams, Snowdon were placed sixth and Scafell were seventh.  It was very close, just one point separated them.

Well done to all the scouts.  We are proud of you.

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JOTA 2017

21st October 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

Scafell troop took part in Jamboree-On-The-Air on the 60th anniversary.

Our friends at  7th/12th Croydon Troop and Surrey Radio Contact Club ran the JOTA station.

We got to talk to people from Norway, Ireland, Holland, Italy, Slovakia and Belguim.  Although the only scout groups we actually talked to were in Petts Wood.  So not quite the international contact we were hoping for.

We did have a Skype call with a troop in Sweden.  Aiden said that they did the same things we did.  The were just slightly older than British scouts.

Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) is an official international event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

JOTA enables and encourages Scouts around the world to communicate with one another by means of amateur radio, providing a fun and educational Scouting experience and promoting their sense of belonging to a worldwide Scout Movement.

JOTA related activities take place simultaneously all around the world each year during the third weekend in October.

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Three first nights away and an investiture at Scafell scout camp

8th August 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

Scafell troop have returned from our adventurous camp at Downe, August 2017.

Nine scouts, three young leaders and four adult leaders camped for two nights.  For three of the scouts it was their first night away with scouts, and one further it was his first night under canvas.

Friday evening was spent pitching the tents.  We had a quick supper and then the scouts were out to play a wide game – German spotlight (it is their firm favourite).

Most teenagers sleep in on a Saturday morning, but not this lot.  Some were awake at 5:30 and one tent were shouting at a spider at 6:30.  At least it meant they could prepare breakfast at a leisurely pace.

Wood was gathered.  Fires were lit.  And once the fires were ready for cooking they started on their sausages, bacon and eggs.  Both patrols worked well and they were all happy cooking their breakfasts.

Late morning were were off to the zip wire.  Some were a little nervous but they all jumped off without any hesitation.  All the scouts had at least two trips down the zip wire.

Then back to our site to cook lunch – pizza pita bread.  We just about got them heated when the heavens opened.  Scouts tucked into their lunches in various places around the camp, sheltering from the thunder storm.  It passed just before our next activity.  We were very fortunate.

Then were were off to tomahawks.  All the scouts and young leaders threw flying angel axes.  These had three points where it could stick into the target.  Although one scout somehow managed to get the handle of the axe to stick into the target – that was some skill, or was it luck?  We had a competition and Aiden managed to get the most axes on target.  Well done Aiden.  They all had a go at the heavier tomahawks.  Most found the angels easier to throw.

Then back to camp to collect more wood and cook our evening meal of chicken curry and steamed pudding.  Some of them found it a challenge to follow the recipe.  It is not the same as at home where you have a nice clean large area to prepare food or a hob that you can turn up and down.  They all successfully cooked a lovely meal.

Then off to a campfire.  Curtis Maddy and Caitlin led us in campfire songs with lots of giggles and a few wiggles.

We had another wide game – back by popular request was German spotlight.

We finished the evening with hot chocolate.  There were a few tired scouts by then.  Some of them had only had around five hours sleep the night before and they had been on the go all day.

Sunday morning was a later start.  By 8am all the fires were lit and they were on their way to prepare breakfast.

By late morning we were at crate stacking.  There were lots of laughs when they fell off.  We also invested a scout ten foot in the air.

Then lunch, clean up and strike camp.  We still managed to get in a long game of Frisbee before parents arrived to collect.

There was one scout who shined throughout the camp and was awarded scout of the camp.  Congratulations to Stavroula.  Every time we looked over at her patrol she was collecting wood, or chopping food, or straightening her tent.  She cheerfully got on with all the tasks.  It was her first night away with the scouts.  It certainly did not seem like that at camp.

Thank you to those who made the camp happen – Claire, Bobby, Jordan and Anneka along with our three young leaders and all those who supported in other ways such as loading or unloading the van.

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Investing into Scafell troop

by Claire Shadbolt

On Saturday 5 August Scafell troop welcomed our newest scout into the world wide family of scouts, 10 foot in the air, whilst on top of a load of crates.

The scout said her promise and was invested by her patrol leader, whilst clinging onto each other and the rope.  They were safely harnessed in.  They tested the harnesses a few crates later when it all came tumbling down.

The scouts were at scout camp at Downe.

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Congratulations to six scouts April 2017

27th April 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

Congratulations to Giulia, Joe, Daniel, Kieran, Christian and Luke for achieving their Chief Scout Gold Award.

The scouts were presented with this top award on St George’s Day after attending Church Parade and renewing their scout promises.  The awards were presented by Dave Martin, Assistant District Commission (scouts), Croydon District Scouts.

The Chief Scout Gold Award is the top award for Scouts.  It shows that the scout is adventurous, has helped their community and learnt about the world.  It also means that they have gained skills, worked in a team, completed their Challenge Awards and six Activity or Staged Activity Badges.


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Photo credits Katia Potger

Scouts at Craggy Island April 2017

7th April 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

“That was so much fun” said one scout as they left the climbing room and moved into the caving room.

“Who is going to be the zombie this time?” Is met with a chorus of “Me!”.  The rest of the scouts get a 30 second head start into the caving system and then the zombie goes in to catch them and turns them into zombies.  All the scouts loved it, even the ones that were worried about feeling claustrophobic.

We want to say a massive thank you to the staff at Craggy Island.  They were fantastic with the scouts plus they were a real help with our “little problem”.

Talking of “little problem”, I am sorry we were late back.  As we were leaving the key got stuck in the door of the minibus.  We were locked out of it.  Plus we could not have driven it without the key.  The staff were amazing trying to help us free the key.  In the end persistence paid off and our ex-scout/explorer Joe patiently freed the key – we are looking forward to him returning as a young leader.

Every scout enjoyed themselves.  They were well behaved and not phased by the “little problem”.  We just had an impromptu game of splat whilst Joe worked his magic.

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Scafell troop expedition April 2017

5th April 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

Saturday 1 April five intrepid scouts met to start their expedition.  Not the dizzy heights of Everest nor the distances of the Amazon, but a hike from Croydon to Biggin Hill and return.

On the way the scouts stopped off at Beaver Water World.  The aim was to see if they could spot any similar animals in the wild the next day.  I am pleased to say they did not spot any lemurs or crocodilians wandering around the outskirts of Addington.  I am hoping their reports will contain some animals spotted.


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Scafell troop at County Night Hike 2017

22nd March 2017 by Claire Shadbolt

Well it was not what we were expecting.

Well done to the seven scouts who attended the County Night Hike.  They came joint fifth.  It was a popular position.  There were approximately thirty teams that came joint fifth!

There was an issue with the route.  Only four teams found checkpoint four and those four all completed the course.  The rest of the teams, including ours, could not find that mystical checkpoint.  Something went wrong and county are looking into it to ensure it doesn’t happen again.  Our scouts worked together and showed good decision making by making the decision to navigate back to checkpoint three, with about 70 scouts following them.  Then in true scouting spirit, leaders from three  groups jumped into minibuses and got them all back to camp.

I am glad to say that all the scouts still enjoyed themselves.  They were out about five hours and came back to camp at 2:00 and still cooked breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.

Special thanks to Ben, Bobby and Anneka for supporting the camp.

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Snowdon Troop Summer Camp 2017

5th March 2017 by a_gaunt

We are pleased to announce the initial details of summer camp 2017 – please download and read Summer Camp 2017 – 28th Snowdon Troop – Initial Letter

We are running a joint camp with the 29th Croydon Scouts this year – in recent years both our troop and the 29th have had less Scouts attend camp than they hoped for, this makes it difficult to run a full, fun programme at a reasonable cost – so by joining forces, we hope to get a good size group of Scouts together and have an awesome time !

As you will see in the initial letter – the dates are Saturday 22nd – Saturday 29th July. We will be camping in a field right on the border of the New Forest which will provide the venue for many of the activities we will be doing. It is a beautiful location, ideal for a brilliant camping experience.

If you have any questions, please contact any of the leaders – we look forward to a great camp and hope most of the Scouts will be able to come.